
Wilt Chamberlain’s touching action “For the remainder of her life, Wilt called Steph every Friday night.”

Wilt Chamberlain’s touching action “For the remainder of her life, Wilt called Steph every Friday night.”

Wilt Chamberlain’s touching action “For the remainder of her life, Wilt called Steph every Friday night.”

Great rivalries have defined NBA history, and the first—possibly the greatest—was that between Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell. What distinguishes them most from one another? Wilt was known for pursuing individual awards and statistics, but Russell was always one to put the needs of the team first and go above and beyond to win. Because they were presented as complete opposites, most people are unaware that the two were close friends even during their playing careers.


He used to visit my house on Thanksgiving, when we had a game against Boston the following day, sleep in my bed, eat my food, and then go out and kick my ass. ‘Wilt, we shouldn’t feed Bill so well next time,’ my mother would say.

NBA TV with Wilt Chamberlain

Over time, Wilt realized he could use the game to inspire his teammates and secure two championships—one in Philadelphia and one in Los Angeles. However, Wilt the guy wasn’t necessarily conceited, even though Wilt the athlete may have been in his early years. That’s proven by a tale involving his Warriors teammate Paul Arizin. (You may want to get a few tissues ready.)

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