Wilt Chamberlain is superior than Michael Jordan, as Earl Monroe demonstrates.

Wilt Chamberlain is superior than Michael Jordan, as Earl Monroe demonstrates.

Wilt Chamberlain is superior than Michael Jordan, as Earl Monroe demonstrates.

The MJ-Wilt controversy was viewed in an intriguing way by the renowned Earl Monoroe.


Although Wilt Chamberlain is superior to Michael Jordan in the view of many, NBA icon Earl Monroe clarified why he feels that way.

Wilt’s situation
The bulk of the basketball community will unanimously agree that Michael Jordan is the NBA’s all-time great. And with good logic. However, there are a few men, like LeBron or Kareem, who have strong arguments to oppose Michael Jackson. Naturally, Wilt Chamberlain is a cunning contender for that position.

Considering his stats and records, the most dominant and outstanding player the NBA has ever seen is definitely deserving of the title of GOAT. Nevertheless, Wilt’s lack of competition and team success gets him a bad rap. However, Wilt is more respected by Jordan than by everyone else, including a legend named Earl Monroe who faced Chamberlain during his playing career.

Known as “Black Jesus,” one of the most spectacular and beloved players of the 1960s and 1970s, he played his whole career for the Baltimore Bullets and New York Knicks. Just one year after losing to the Lakers in 1972, he captured his lone championship with the Knicks in 1973.

At the end of his career, Wilt would win his second title, and Monroe would be on the opposite side. Despite a dominant hand injury, Wilt was performing exceptionally well. Despite having a fractured right hand, 35-year-old Wilt would go on to record the oldest Finals MVP in history by finishing the game with an incredible triple-double (24 points, 29 rebounds, and 10 blocks).

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