Stephen Curry has missed a total of 323 free throws, while Wilt Chamberlain has missed 414 free throws on average each season.
Stephen Curry has missed a total of 323 free throws, while Wilt Chamberlain has missed 414 free throws on average each season.
Legendary players have come and gone from the Golden State Warriors. The greatest stars in NBA history have represented the Warriors, including its current talisman, Stephen Curry, and iconic center Wilt Chamberlain.
When it comes to Chamberlain and Curry, the two athletes could not be more dissimilar. They played basketball in the 1960s and from the 2010s onwards, and their approaches to the sport couldn’t have been more dissimilar.
Curry often shoots the ball at a high rate of speed, in contrast to Wilt’s strategy of grabbing rebounds and scoring through physical contact. Chamberlain and Curry were perhaps the greatest in their respective periods and made a lasting impression.
Throughout his 13-year career, Stephen Curry has averaged fewer missed free throws per season than Wilt Chamberlain.
Wilt Chamberlain was unquestionably a threat in his heyday, but his game was far from flawless. The renowned center’s poor free throw shooting was arguably his worst weakness. It is reasonable to argue that Chamberlain was one of the worst free throw shooters the NBA has ever seen, with a lifetime shooting percentage of a pitiful 51.1%.
In fact, a recent viral sensation was this crazy stat. Chamberlain averaged over 414 missed free throws per season during his 13 seasons in the NBA, bringing his career total of missed free throws to an astounding 5805.
To put things in perspective, during the course of his career, Dubs star Stephen Curry—the greatest shooter the NBA has ever seen—has missed 323 free shots, yielding a 90.8% free throw shooting percentage. Observing the disparity between the two legendary players is utterly ridiculous.
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