
Judd Trump discusses how his family supported him during his time at Snooker World.

Judd Trump discusses how his family supported him during his time at Snooker World.

The amazing snooker player who won the World Championship this year was created by Judd Trump, but the Trump family as a whole is responsible for his achievement.

The 29-year-old defeated John Higgins 18-9 to win the world title for the first time, but we should expect many more Crucible victories in the future after his incredible performance, which included seven century breaks.

Even though Judd is still a young man, the entire Trump family put years of work into this accomplishment; the new world champion especially praised Judd’s father and brother.

When asked about the impact of his father after winning the world title, Trump responded, “I was just trying to hold back because it was getting pretty emotional in the interview.”

I watch every single game because my dad is the world’s biggest snooker lover and I do it for him and my mother.

“It put things into perspective for me because of the sacrifices they made—traveling across the nation and working two jobs—so that I could play every week.”

Trump’s father Steve supported his son’s burgeoning profession by taking considerable time off from his truck driving job to drive Judd to competitions around the nation.

Since Jack Trump essentially started working for Judd last year, he has also been singled out as a major contributor to his brother’s success.

Jack lives and travels with his sibling, offering support, guidance, and companionship while he gets ready for competitions all around the world.

Following his January Masters victory, Judd gave an explanation of the plan to the BBC, saying, “Jack will set the balls up and I will have no input, I will let him get on with it.” I wouldn’t have done the things he is making me work on.

“He will put safety and long pots up too, but I wanted to pot balls all day.” I’ll follow instructions because he’s getting the most out of me.

Less than four months after winning that Masters tournament, Judd feels it is evident how much of an impact Jack has had on his game after accepting the World Championship trophy.

“My brother has helped me win the Masters and the World Championship since he moved up, so it speaks for itself,” said Judd. “It just goes to show the part he’s played in it.”

Clearly, my parents have had a significant impact on my career, having taken me everywhere and positioned me in this role. To have the ability to prevail.


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