Jayson Tatum Explains the Celtics’ Maturation
Tatum Jayson Explains the Celtics’ Maturation
Jayson Tatum explained the Boston Celtics’ approach to the end result: they concentrate on getting better every day than they did the day before.
A number of Boston Celtics have said recently about believing they are not yet at their best and believe they can still improve significantly as the NBA’s top team. With April and May on their thoughts as the overwhelming favorites for the crown, the club may still improve and grow.
As Jaylen Brown and Derrick White previously stated, Boston is committed to getting better every day in order to reach the end result. They aim to approach the remaining part of the season day by day, forming excellent habits for their own training, without considering the standings or possible matchups.
Jayson Tatum talked about how his squad was feeling going into March.
“We’ve just done a really good job of staying present,” Tatum stated. “We frequently discuss improving a little bit each day. We’re not ignoring any rivals… We take the same approach to each game. And thus far, I believe that has been advantageous.”
The MVP front-runner also brought up the Celtics and their “win the day mantra.”
“I know we’re in first place, we’ve got a comfortable lead,” Tatum stated. “But as I mentioned before, we genuinely just want to improve every day; we don’t talk about it much. We may have hurried to the playoffs last year, but this year we’re trying to approach things day by day. We don’t place too much value or focus on leading the standings, even if we know we have a tremendously good team.
On Friday night, the Boston Celtics will play their old friend Kyrie Irving and the Dallas Mavericks in an attempt to win 10 straight games.
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