Before Michael Jordan silenced him, Larry Bird attempted to put Charles Barkley in his proper place on the Dream Team.

Before Michael Jordan silenced him, Larry Bird attempted to put Charles Barkley in his proper place on the Dream Team.

Before Michael Jordan silenced him, Larry Bird attempted to put Charles Barkley in his proper place on the Dream Team.

It’s difficult to think of anything more exciting for an NBA fan than hanging out with the Dream Team. Not only did the team alter the trajectory of contemporary basketball history, but each individual on the team is a legendary figure in their own right. Consider what it would be like to be a fly on the wall while players like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, and Larry Bird discussed business. Doesn’t it sound like a dream?

Fortunately, Ahmad Rashad has allowed us to see behind the scenes. According to the narrative, as the Dream Team was debating each other’s one-on-one credentials, Larry Bird prevented some of his colleagues from joining in. But eventually even Larry Legend had to make way for Michael Jordan, who had shown there and began flexing his figurative muscles.

Professional athletes must, at the risk of sounding clichéd, have complete faith in their skills. Having saying that, some players will always be stronger than others. Apparently, it is what transpired during the Dream Team’s group discussion on their own internal structure.

Ahmad Rashad said in a 2020 GQ interview, “There was an interesting thing that happened that I was privy to—this was during the Dream Team [at the 1992 Olympics].” “A group of guys were seated around a pool table when Michael and Magic started arguing back and forth about who was the best at playing one-on-one and other things.”


The rest of the team attempted to enter the fray and claim their own spot in basketball history, as one might anticipate. But there were two players in particular that Larry Bird wouldn’t allow to cross the velvet rope.

When Charles Barkley attempted to speak out in the room, Larry Bird silenced him because Barkley had never won a championship. There was also Patrick Ewing in the room, and he attempted to speak. Nor would [Bird] permit Patrick to speak.

As Bird was toward the end of his career in 1992 and Michael Jordan hadn’t yet established his entire career, that might have established Bird as the dominant player, but the Boston Celtics weren’t going to stand a chance. Nobody was ever going to be able to match his Airness.

Ultimately, Michael told all of those guys that it was a new day and that he would kick their ass if they didn’t give up when he returned to their building the next day. Therefore, you can either give up now or accept the ass-kicking I’m delivering you when I return. Rashad went on.

And although it may sound severe, Larry Legend was aware of when he had been subdued.

Magic, I suppose we should keep quiet. Rashad cited what Bird had said. “He is now, and we were then.”

Beyond the conversation’s sheer spectacle (imagine Sir Charles’ astonishment, for instance, when Bird deadpanned that he couldn’t communicate), the exchange did provide an intriguing, if brief, look into how the different personalities on the Dream Team complemented one another.

As old statesmen, Larry Legend and, to a lesser extent, Magic Johnson were present; they were powerful figures who understood that the show was no longer solely theirs. Conversely, Michael Jordan remained Michael Jordan. Even though he was still in control, he had no trouble claiming his supremacy and defying anyone who dared to oppose him.

Oh, to have watched the squad from behind the scenes. How many more jewels would you have seen, who knows?

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